The Problem: There are millions of People in every country who have the risk of developing permanent Visual impairment due to Diabetes, Hypertension and other Chronic Health Problems. Access to an Ophthalmologist is very limited in many countries. Welcare aims to prevent Visual Impairment and Blindness in one in Four people in the Planet by usage of Teleophthalmology which connects the Patient in a remote location to an Ophthalmologist
Our Solution: Welcare has pioneered an innovative approach, wherein Welcare sets up an affordable eye screening service inside existing Diabetes centers, General hospitals, Paediatric Clinics and other health centers. Patient information including retinal images are securely transferred online to Welcare’s certified Ophthalmologists for review and diagnostics. The results and recommendations for follow-up are then shared to the patient via staff at the facility they visited.
Allmost 80% of the people in the world do not have access to Ophthalmologists or Optometrists. Welcare aims to bridge the gap by providing a full-fledged Eye Examination including refraction and Fundus Screening through Teleophthalmology.
There are millions of Patients who are affected by Diabetes and One in Four of them can develop a condition known as Diabetic Retinopathy which if undiagnosed can even lead to permanent vision loss.